Swimming Lessons

The class is 45 min. long and we chose the option that was just Saturday mornings. We have one more class left(there will be a total of 5 classes) in which Dan will get to be the parent for the last class. We start out singing songs and slowly getting wet and comfortable with the water, followed by spending time on the noodle(Hannah is not a big fan of the noodle) and playing a few games like, London bridge is falling down. Then the little ones get a short time to play with some water toys (like the fish Hannah is holding in the video) and free time. We spend about the last 3-5 min. jumping off the edge, as you can see from the video below, Hannah was way too cold to do anything but just sit there. It has been a lot of fun! Hannah usually likes it until about the last 10 min. when she is shivering and her lips have turned blue. The last couple of pictures of Hannah in her robe were hard to get, she was very ready to go, but we wanted to get a few pictures of her in it because she's just so darn cute. Dan and I both love her to pieces, she receives endless hugs and kisses........just as much for her benefit as ours :) Hannah enriches our lives endlessly. Having had a chance to see what parenting it like with Hannah, Dan has grown more enthusiastic for this next baby and is a lot less apprehensive about the life changes that come with a new baby (we both are:) We love you more than words can say dear Hannah.


  1. so cute! That Hannah is getting gorgeous!! blame it on the genes. I love that she's in swimming lessons. Where do take them? Where are you guys living now btw? So fun, so fun!

  2. Hey thanks, Cynthia!!!! I love seeing the posts of little Jack, he's a cutie. We are taking swim classes at the Provo Rec. Center. It's right by the Provo High school. For the parent and tot class, it's about $30 dollars and the ages range from 6 months to 2 yrs. It is a blast, I would definitely recommended it. If you go to parks.provo.org and look under classes and click on Recreation center and then the swim lesson off to the left, you can find out more information!!!! And we're living just a block down from the Provo cemetery, it is great!! SO much bigger :)


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