Hannah's 2nd Birthday

It was a fun day for Hannah (at least I hope so)! She slept in until 9:30 (this never happens, but was a very nice birthday gift for mommy :) and then we made pancakes in the shape on the number 2 with some smoothies. After breakfast we gave her her birthday present, which was a bike and helmet. We looked at getting her a tricycle but after comparing the prices an actual bike was only $15 more............so a bike it was!!! It will be good because it also a big part of her Christmas and she can ride it up until at least age 4-5 and then Bella will be old enough for a bike! SO perfect!
Dan had to go to school but had about 30 min. to spend with Hannah on the bike. Hannah was pretty nervous the whole time and tried getting off at one point and it fell over with her on it. She has warmed up to it by now and loving it! It was really cute because when she saw other kids riding bikes today, she said "Look, kids riding birthday bikes!!! That's so lucky!!" in a very excited voice. It was super cute.
The rest of day was ordinary besides the fact she has had several accidents today. She fell head first out of her kitchen chair, has fallen off the bike twice and peed on the kitchen floor which was followed by slipping in it and getting a bruised cheek. She's had lot of reasons to keep asking for 'boo boo ice."
Dinner I made her favorite.........Mac n cheese. I added some cooked chicken and steamed broccoli. And then was followed by singing Happy birthday and her eating a tiny chocolate tart that she picked out at the grocery store. I'm saving the cake for her birthday party which is next Saturday. We also went to Cornbelly's Maize at Thanksgiving Point on Tuesday evening. It was more of our late FHE activity for the week then her birthday but we decided to count that as part of it because Dan had work that night. We had planned to go see Toy Story 3 at Dan's work but they were selling out for the night hours in advance.......so maybe some other time.


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