I'm the kind of person who likes to think of every scenario possible and then have a plan for anything that could possibly happen. I was talking to Dan the other night and was asking all these "What if's" and he laughed and said I was over thinking everything and just to relax. I guess with the baby coming I want everything to go well and everything to run smoothly. I worry about my girl's, especially since Bella is sick right now. I also think it doesn't help that I have become OBSESSED with labor! And all these hormones do not help :) I worry that Dan won't make it in time or worse I won't make it in time to the hospital. The Dr. and midwives all keep telling me how 3rd babies are unpredictable. I know they mean it to be reassuring (as in they are saying he probably won't come as fast, but then he could) but how is that reassuring ? lol. I worry about having everything in order with the house. I worry about a lot of things! I'm also worried he'll be late and then we can't bless him when both grandma's are in town. I am going to try to stop over thinking :) If you read all this then thank you for sitting through my ranting! I do feel better now that I have voiced my worries.
You will be fine! He will come when he is ready and healthy and it will go smoothly. Most mothers make it to the hospital so your chances of not doing so are very slim! Try to relax and enjoy these last few days of pregnancy and let the rest take care of itself. I know easier said then done!