4 months old

Charlie turned 4 months this last week!  He is such a fun little guy!  He's 14 lbs  so way to go little guy.  And he's pretty short making him smaller for his age!  He's not going to be a Michael Jordon :)  He received 4 vaccines which did not settle well with him.  He gets a slight fever and is just over all not a good sleeper (at least more than usual) and fussy when he gets his vaccines.  This time I was prepared and kept him dosed so it was more mild then his 2 month vaccines.  The Dr. deduced that he might have acid reflux which would account for the constant eating (because he can only eat in small increments) and a lot of his fussiness after he eats. She said solids should help with acid reflex, so good thing he is now 4 months.  We tried Charlie out on some applesauce and sweet potatoes so far. All seems to be going just fine. He's not a champ like Bella but he is doing OK.  He's interested in his hands and feet.  He's starting to grab for things around him and show some interest in toys.  When he discovered the johnny jump up he was a happy camper. He loves to play peek-a-boo, and has such a big smile. He does the huge gummy smiles!  He loves when someone talks to him or gives him attention.  He seems to be our most social baby so far.  I love when he nurses he will stop and stare at me and then give me a huge smile, coo or chortle.  Pretty darn cute.  He has these huge eyes that take everything in.  He has to be able to see me at all times.  He's a funny little dude :)


  1. Katydid What a wonderful little boy he is!!! those smiles are priceless Bella Bella Bella a little girl with a life time of love all just waiting there for anyone to see
    Love you all ,



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