Update on Bella

I realized I never posted an update on Bella's speech therapy.  After her evaluation there was a question if she might have a mild form of autism.  I guess the signs start showing up around 2 years.  And expressive language delay, lack of eye contact, and a delay in social-emotional development are some big signs. Bella had several of the signs, so we were pretty worried. But after a couple months of speech therapy Bella is starting to blossom!  She is a lot better about making eye contact.  Her social skills have improved(less hitting, pushing, and less tantrums).  And she is starting to say things like, "More cereal, Mommy!" And is overall doing better.  Having the speech therapy take place in our home has been such an amazing experience and blessing.  I've enjoyed being able to watch and learn about techniques that I can use on a daily basis to help her.  It has been so wonderful to see such a change in Bella.  She has a really hard time not using the 'd' which is why I guess it is so hard to understand her. We're working on the 'b' 'p' 'c/k' sounds. She can use those sounds but it takes a lot of effort on her part. It will be exciting to see what the new year will bring for her.


  1. So happy to hear she is improving!

  2. Dear Dan and Katy,
    Our second daughter, Rebekah, sounds a lot like Bella! She was a late speaker and had trouble pronouncing letters. This must have been very frustrating for her because (our) Hannah was such a prolific speaker. I found that a small booklet called "Time In" was very helpful. (Opp. of Time Out--when she would misbehave, I would stop everything and get down on her level and try and figure out what was bothering her. Addressing her for a few moments directly and softly--instead of trying to separate from her tantrum and force her to "cool down and reflect on her own" as Time Out had helped for her older sister. Be patient. Rebekah is a late bloomer but really coming into her own!


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